E-mail: chinmeilee@ntu.edu.tw
電話: (02) 3366-2541
專長: 植物生理時鐘、植物逆境反應、蛋白質泛素化調控、分子生物學
學歷: 博士 美國密西根州立大學
碩士 國立臺灣大學生化科學研究所
學士 國立臺灣大學動物系 (現為生命科學系)
經歷: 博士後 中央研究院植物暨微生物學研究所
博士後 美國耶魯大學分子細胞及發育生物學系
博士後 美國賓州大學生物學系
研究室: 生命科學館1150室

生物因應地球自轉產生晝夜規律的光和溫度變化,進而演化成24小時週期的生物時鐘 (circadian clock)。生物時鐘可調節生物體的代謝及生理途徑,使其有效利用資源,以利適應環境及生存。植物的生物時鐘和其他生物有許多相似之處,但因為植物根生於地,不斷地感知可預期和不可預期的環境變化,其調控機制又更為有趣且複雜。目前的研究發現,植物的生物時鐘除了調控周而復始的光合作用、醣類合成分解、植物激素(Phytohormone)及二次代謝物(secondary metabolites)的合成等基礎生理途徑,植物也可藉由生物時鐘來計算日照的長短以分辨季節,進而調控植物季節性的生長、開花、冬眠等。除此之外,植物的生物時鐘可預知環境物理性(如:光、溫度、水分等)及生物性(如:真菌、昆蟲)週期的變化,並調整一天內對生物性(biotic)及非生物性(abiotic)的反應靈敏度,以調整植物生理及生長。生物時鐘調控植物生理的現象和機制已逐漸應用於在農業上,例如:調控開花時間、增加作物產量、增進抗逆境的反應,或是增加農藥施用的效率等。然而,仍有許多植物生理時鐘調控的生理途徑尚未被發掘,而且大部分生物時鐘調控植物生理途徑的機制仍未被完全了解。本實驗室以蛋白質泛素化及蛋白質降解的調節機制,著重在以下的研究主軸去了解生物時鐘及其調控植物生理的機制,並實際應用於農業上:
1. 了解植物如何以規律的光照和溫度變化去維持及調整植物的生物時鐘
2. 研究生理時鐘如何調控季節性的植物生長及開花調控
3. 探究植物生理時鐘如何調節高溫和乾旱的逆境反應(abiotic stress)
Huang Y.C., Liu C.C., Li Y.J., Liao C.M., Vivek S., Chuo G.L., Tseng C.Y., Wu Z.Q., Shimada T., Suetsugu N., Wada M., Lee C.M.* and Jinn T.L.* (2024) Multifaceted roles of Arabidopsis heat shock factor binding protein in plant growth, development, and heat shock response. Environmental and Experimental Botany 226, 105878.
Lee CM, Li MW, Feke AM, Liu W, Saffer AM, Gendron JM. (2019) GIGANTEA recruits UBP12 and UBP13 deubiquitylases to regulate accumulation of the ZTL photoreceptor complex. Nature Communications. 10(1): 1-10. (Article highlighted in several news media)
Feke A, Liu W, Hong J, Li MW, Lee CM, Zhou EK, Gendron JM. (2019) Decoys provide a scalable platform for the identification of plant E3 ubiquitin ligases that regulate circadian function. eLife 8: e44558.
Lee CM*, Feke AM*, Li MW, Adamcheck C, Webb K, Pruneda-Paz JL, Bennet EJ, Kay SA, Gendron JM. (2018) Decoys untangle complicated redundancy and reveal targets of circadian clock F-box proteins. Plant Physiology. 177(3): 1170-86. (* These authors contributed equally.) (Article highlighted in Plant Physiology and Plantae; recommended article by Faculty of 1000)
Spiegelman Z, Lee CM, Gallagher KL. (2018) KinG is a plant-specific Kinesin that regulates both intra- and intercellular movement of SHORT-ROOT. Plant Physiology. 176(1): 392-405.
Gehan MA, Park SC, Gilmour SJ, An CF, Lee CM, and Thomashow MF. (2015) Natural variation in the C-repeat binding factor cold response pathway correlates with local adaptation of Arabidopsis ecotypes. The Plant Journal. 84(4): 682-93.
Park SC, Lee CM, Doherty CJ, Gilmour SJ, Kim YS, Thomashow MF. (2015) Regulation of the Arabidopsis CBF regulon by a complex low temperature regulatory network. The Plant Journal. 82(2):193-207. (Article spotlighted in Trends in Plant Sciences)
Wu S, Lee CM, Hayashi T, Price S, Divol F, Henry S, Pauluzzi G, Perin C, Gallagher KL. (2014) A plausible mechanism, based upon SHORT-ROOT movement, for regulating the number of cortex cell layers in roots. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 111(45):16184-9.
Gallagher KL, Sozzani R, Lee CM. (2014) Intercellular protein movement: deciphering the language of development. Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology. 30:207-233.
Lee CM, Thomashow MF. (2012) Photoperiodic regulation of the C-repeat binding factor (CBF) cold acclimation pathway and freezing tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 109(37):15054-9. (Article highlighted in several news media and recommended by Faculty of 1000)
Yang DL, Yao J, Mei CS, Tong XH, Zeng LJ, Li Q, Xiao LT, Sun TP, Li J, Deng XW, Lee CM, Thomashow MF, Yang Y, He Z, He SY. (2012) Plant hormone jasmonate prioritizes defense over growth by interfering with gibberellin signal cascades. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 109(19): E1192-200.
Chou ST, Yen YC, Lee CM, Chen MS. (2010) Pro-apoptotic role of Cdc25A: activation of cyclin B1/Cdc2 by the Cdc25A C-terminal domain. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 285(23):17833-45.
Lin HJ, Lee CM, Luo CW, Chen YH. (2005) Functional preservation of duplicated pairs of the RSVS III gene in the REST locus of rat 3q42. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 326(2):355-63.
Lee CM, Adamcheck C, Feke A, Nusinow DA, Gendron JM. (2017) Mapping protein–protein interactions using affinity purification and mass spectrometry. Plant Genomics: Methods and Protocols. (Humana Press) 231-249.
PlBio 7006 植物科學特論
LS 3010 分子生物學
LS 3016 植物生理學
PlBio 5028 進階植物分子生物學
PlBio 5006 逆境植物學
LS 2032 綠色生物科技