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鄭秋萍 教授

實驗室電話: (02) 3366-2521
專長: 分子生物學、植物與微生物交互作用
學歷: 美國明尼蘇達大學博士

研究室: 生命科學館942室
辦公室電話: (02) 3366-3793



  • 有效防治作物病害是全球至關重要之課題。我們的研究目標為探討植物與致病/有益微生物之交互作用,同時致力於闡明植物防禦機制與病菌致病機制與訊息傳導之相關資訊,並深入研究關鍵防禦/致病基因之功能與應用潛能。藉由這些研究,我們希望能蒐集關鍵訊息與資源,研擬重要作物病害之有效防治策略,期望對基礎科研與農業應用皆有助益。
    我們的研究以造成全球許多重要作物嚴重損失之青枯病 (bacterial wilt) 為基礎與起源,探討茄科植物與青枯病菌 (Ralstonia solanacearum) 之交互作用。利用多種系統性研究策略全面搜尋後,我們目前聚焦於數群極為關鍵且具創新性之關鍵基因,正進行深入的基因功能性研究並且尋求其應用性 (見以下內容) ,同時,也積極開發可能之生物防治資材。我們積極與多個國內與國際研究單位進行合作,並建立學生學術互訪與internships機制,誠摯歡迎對研究工作有熱誠的年輕新血加入我們的研究行列。




  • 數個決定番茄抗青枯病能力關鍵基因之調控機制、訊息傳導及應用

  • 植物新穎E3 ligase基因群在抗病與繁殖之功能與調控機制

  • 共生真菌提升茄科作物抵抗數種重要病害之作用與分子機制

  • 數個決定青枯病菌 (R. solanacearum) 致病力關鍵效應蛋白質 (effectors) 之調控機制與應用



  1. Su GM, Chu LW, Chien CC, Liao PS, Chiu YC, Chang CH, Chu TH, Li CH, Wu CS, Wang JF, Cheng YS, Chang CH, and Cheng CP* (2024) Tomato NADPH oxidase SlWfi1 interacts with the effector protein RipBJ of Ralstonia solanacearum to mediate host defence. Plant, Cell and Environment 12. doi: 10.1111/pce.15086. Online ahead of print. (SCI)

  2. Lee SK, Liao PZ, Lin CY, Chen HW, Hsieh MS, Lin YP, Chen YJ, Hong JH, Chiang YL, Cheng CP, Chen PCJ, Lee CR, Yang JI, and Ting HM* (2024) Wild mungbeanresistance to the nematode Meloidogyne enterolobii involves the induction of phenylpropanoid metabolism and lignification. Physiologia Plantarum (Accepted, PPL-2024-00734.R1). (SCI)

  3. Chen EHL, Weng CW, Li YM, Wu MC, Yang CC, Lee KT, Chen RPY*, and Cheng CP* (2021) De novo design of antimicrobial peptides with a special charge pattern and their application in combating plant pathogens. Frontiers in Plant Science 12: 753217.(SCI)

  4. Ting H-M, Cheah BH, Chen Y-C, Yeh P-M, Cheng C-P, Yeo FKS, Vie AK, Rohloff J, Winge P, Bones AM, Kissen R (2020) The role of a glucosinolate-derived nitrile in plant immune responses. Frontiers in Plant Science 11: 257.

  5. Hsuan-Ju Tsai, Ko-Hsuan Shao, Ming-Tsair Chan, Chiu-Ping Cheng, Kai-Wun Yeh, Ralf Oelmüllere, Shu-Jen Wang* (2020) Piriformospora indica symbiosis improves water stress tolerance of rice through regulating stomata behavior and ROS scavenging systems Plant Signaling and Behavior 15(2):1722447.

  6. Hsiao PY, Cheng CP*, Koh KW, and Ming-Tsair Chan* ( 2017 ) The Arabidopsis defensin gene, AtPDF1.1, mediates defence against Pectobacterium carotovorum subs. Carotovorum via an iron-withholding defence system. Scientific Reports 7: 9175 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-08497-7. ( SCI )

  7. Liu AC, and Cheng CP* ( 2017 ) Pathogen-induced ERF68 regulates hypersensitive cell death in tomato. Molecular Plant Pathology18: 1062-1074. ( SCI )

  8. Wang K, Remigi P, Anisimova M, Lonjon F, Kars I, Kajava A, Li CH, Cheng CP, Vailleau F, Genin S, Peeters N (2016) Functional assignment to positively selected sites in the coretype III effector RipG7 from Ralstonia solanacearum. Molecular Plant Pathology17: 553-564 ( SCI )

  9. Chien-Hui Li, Kuan-Chung Wang, Yu-Hau Hong, Tai-Hsiang Chu, Yu-Ju Chu, I-Chun Chou, Der-Kang Lu, Chao-Yen Chen, Wen-Chieh Yang, and Chiu-Ping Cheng* ( 2014 ) Roles of different forms of lipopolysaccharides in Ralstonia solanacearum pathogenesis. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 27:471-478. ( SCI )

  10. Yu-Mei Lin#, Shu-Lein Shih#, Wan-Chi Lin, Jia-Wei Wu, Ya-Ting Chen, Chi-Ying Hsieh, Li-Ching Guan, Lu Lin, and Chiu-Ping Cheng* ( 2014 ) Phytoalexin biosynthesis genes are regulated and involved in plant response to Ralstonia solanacearum infection. Plant Science 224: 86-94. ( SCI ) (# equal contribution)

  11. Yu-Hau Hong#, Chi Huang#, Kuan-Chung Wang, Tai-Hsiang Chu, Chien-Hui Li, Yu-Ju Chu, and Chiu-Ping Cheng*          ( 2014 ) Mutations in Ralstonia solanacearum loci involved in lipopolysarccharide biogenesis, phospholipid trafficking and peptidoglycan recycling render bacteriophage infection. Archives of Microbiology 196: 667-674. ( SCI ) (# equal contribution)

  12. Pin-Yao Huang, Yu-Hung Yeh, An-Chi Liu, Chiu-Ping Cheng*and Laurent Zimmerli* ( 2014 ) The Arabidopsis LecRK-VI.2 associates with the pattern-recognition receptor FLS2 and primes Nicotiana benthamiana pattern-triggered immunity. Plant Journal 79: 243-255.  ( SCI )

  13. Wen-Chieh Yang#, Yu-Mei Lin#, Yi-Sheng Cheng, and Chiu-Ping Cheng* ( 2013 ) Ralstonia solanacearum RSc0411 ( lptC ) is a determinant for full virulence and has a strain-specific novel function in the T3SS activity. Microbiology-SGM 159:1136–1148. (# equal contribution) ( SCI )

  14. W. Y. Kuo#, C. H. Huang#, A. C. Liu, C. P. Cheng , S. H. Li , W. C. Chang, C. Weiss, A. Azem and T. L. Jinn* ( 2013 ) CHAPERONIN 20 mediates iron superoxide dismutase ( FeSOD ) activity independent of its co-chaperonin role in Arabidopsis chloroplasts. New Phytologist 197:99-110. (# equal contribution) ( SCI )

  15. Chi-Yin Hsieh, Jaw-Fen Wang, Pei-Cheng Huang, Der-Kang Lu, Yu-Mei Lin, Wen-Chieh Yang, Chiu-Ping Cheng* (2012) Ralstonia solanacearum nlpD ( RSc1206 ) contributes to host adaptation.European Journal of Plant Pathology 133:645–656. ( SCI )

  16. Chia-Wen Li, Ruey-Chih Su, Chiu-Ping Cheng, Sanjaya, Su-Juan You, Tsai-Hung Hsieh, To-Chun Chao, and Ming-Tsair Chan*. ( 2011 ) Tomato RAV transcription factor is a pivotal modulator involved in the AP2/EREBP-mediated defense pathway. Plant Physiology 156:213–227. ( SCI )

  17. I-Chun Pan, Chia-Wen Li, Ruey-Chih Su, Chiu-Ping Cheng, Choun-Sea Lin and Ming-Tsair Chan. ( 2010 ) Ectopic expression of an EAR motif deletion mutant of SlERF3 enhances tolerance to salt stress and Ralstonia solanacearum in tomato. Planta 232:1075-1086.. ( SCI )

  18. Tsai-Hung Hsieh, Chia-Wen Li, Ruey-Chih Su, Chiu-Ping Cheng, Sanjaya, Yi-Chien Tsai, Ming-Tsair Chan. ( 2010 ) A tomato bZIP transcription factor, SlAREB, is involved in water deficit and salt stress response. Planta 231:1459-1473. ( SCI )

  19. Rajendran Senthilkumar, Chiu-Ping Cheng and Kai-Wun Yeh*. (2010) Genetically pyramiding protease inhibitor genes for dual broad-spectrum resistance against insect and phytopathogens in transgenic tobacco. Plant Biotechnology Journal 8: 65-75. ( SCI )

  20. Fang-I Ho, Yong-Yi Chen, Yu-Mei Lin, Chiu-Ping Cheng* and Jaw-Fen Wang*. ( 2009 ) A Tobacco rattle virus-induced gene silencing system for soil-borne vascular pathogens using Rasltonia solanacearum as an example. Botanical Studies 50:413-424. ( SCI )

  21. Yong-Yi Chen, Yu-Mei Lin, To-Chun Chao, Jaw-Fen Wang, An-Chi Liu, Fang-I Ho, and Chiu-Ping Cheng*. ( 2009 ) Virus-induced gene silencing reveals the involvement of ethylene-, salicylic acid- and mitogen-associated protein kinase related defense pathways in the resistance of tomato to bacterial wilt. Physiologia Plantarum 136:324-335.     ( SCI )

  22. Chiu-Ping Cheng* and Yu-Ju Chu. ( 2009 ) Effects of environmental factors on the multiplication and survival of a Taiwan Ralstonia solanacearum tomato strain. Taiwania 54:37-44.

  23. Yu-Mei Lin, I-Chun Chou, Jaw-Fen Wang, Fang-I Ho, Yu-Ju Chu, Pei-Cheng Huang, Der-Kang Lu, Hwei-Ling Shen, Mounira Elbaz, Shu-Mei Huang, Chiu-Ping Cheng*. ( 2008 ) Transposon mutagenesis reveals differential pathogenesis of Ralstonia solanacearum on tomato and Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 21:1261-70.  ( SCI )

  24. Yu-Mei Lin, I-Chun Chou, Chiu-Ping Cheng*. ( 2008 ) A highly efficient bioassay system for screening Ralstonia solanacearum mutants with altered virulence. Taiwania ( in press ).

  25. Ervin D. Nagy, Tso-Ching Lee, Wusirika Ramakrishna, Zijun Xu, Patricia E. Klein, Phillip SanMiguel,Chiu-Ping Cheng, Jingling Li, Katrien M. Devos, Keith Schertz, Larry Dunkle, Jeffrey L. Bennetzen. ( 2007 ) Fine mapping of the Pc locus of Sorghum bicolor, a gene controlling the reaction to a fungal pathogen and its host-selective toxin. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 114:961–970. ( SCI )

  26. Y. L. Chan, V. Prasad, Sanjaya, K. H. Chen, P. C. Liu, M. T. Chan, and C. P. Cheng*. ( 2005 ) Transgenic tomato plants expressing an Arabidopsis thionin ( Thi2.1 ) driven by fruit-inactive promoter battles against phytopathogenic attack. Planta 221:386-393. ( SCI )

  27. W. C. Lin, M. L. Cheng, J. W. Wu, N. S. Yang, and C. P. Cheng*. ( 2005 ) A glycine-rich protein gene family predominantly expressed in tomato roots, but not in leaves and ripe fruit. Plant Science 168: 283-295. ( SCI )

  28. W. C. Lin, C. F. Lu, J. W. Wu, M. L. Cheng, Y. M. Lin, N. S. Yang, L. Black, S. K. Green, J. F. Wang, and C. P. Cheng*. (2004) Transgenic tomato plants expressing the Arabidopsis NPR1 gene confer enhanced resistance to a spectrum of fungal and bacterial diseases. Transgenic Res. 13: 567-581. ( SCI )

  29. I. C. Chou, N. E. Olszewski, and C. P. Cheng*. ( 2004 ) Generation of random, in-frame mutations by TN1000-mediated mutagenesis. Journal of Genetics and Molecular Biology 15:137-142. 

  30. K. Y. Hwang, I. C. Chou, Y. M. Lin, and C. P. Cheng*. ( 2004 ) Plant age-related resistance to Ralstonia solanacearum, the causal agent of bacterial wilt. Journal of Genetics and Molecular Biology 15:108-115. 

  31. H. L. Liu, M. L. Cheng, C. G. Tong, N. S. Yang, M. T. Chan, and C. P. Cheng. ( 2003 ) In silicoidentification and phylogenetic analysis of putative plant arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase. Journal of Genetics and Molecular Biology 14:213-223. 

  32. W. C. Lin, J. W. Wu, H. L. Liu, M. L. Cheng, C. J. Peng, J. F. Wang, Peter Hanson, and C. P. Cheng*. ( 2001 ) Introduction of defense genes that confer broad-spectrum disease-resistance into tomato plants. In: Tzeng DDS and Huang JW (ed) Proceedings of International Symposium on Biological Control of Plant Diseases for the New Century – Mode of Action and Application Technology, Department of Plant Pathology, National Chung Hsing University ( ISBN:957-02-9957-6), pp 225-237. ( Invited speaker )

  33. W. M. Chen, T. M. Lee, C. C. Lan, and C. P. Cheng*. ( 2000 ) Characterization of halotolerant rhizobia isolated from root nodules of Canavalia rosea from seaside areas. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 34:9-16. ( SCI )

  34. C. P. Cheng, B. E. L. Lockhart, and N. E. Olszewski. ( 1998 ) . Tubules containing virus particles are present in plant tissues infected with Commelina yellow mottle badnavirus. Journal General Virology79:925-929. ( SCI )

  35. C. P. Cheng, B. E. L. Lockhart, and N. E. Olszewski. ( 1996 ). The ORF I and II protein of Commelina yellow mottle virus are virion-associated. Virology 223:263-271. ( SCI )

  36. C. P. Cheng, C. T. Chen, T. C. Deng, and H. J. Su. ( 1993 ) Monoclonal antibodies against sugarcane mosaic virus. Plant Pathology Bulletin 2:227-231. ( SCI )​


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