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靳宗洛 特聘教授

電話: (02) 33662539
專長: 植物生理與生化、植物生長與發育、植物分子生物
學歷: 國立臺灣大學博士

研究室: 生命科學館913室





  • 熱逆境反應是普遍存在於生物界中,從原核生物到酵母菌、果蠅、植物、人類等都存在,是一種具高度保留性的生命現象。許多證據都支持熱逆境下所新產生的熱逆境蛋白質,可以用來保護細胞免受高溫或其他逆境之傷害。植物因無法自由遷移,所以當面臨高溫逆境時,勢必演化出較動物複雜的機制以便能適應此逆境,而植物如何抵抗逆境的機制,一直是學者們想要了解的課題。本研究室藉由分子生物學的角度,著重在研究熱休克蛋白質基因成員、生理功能、表現量、及對調控子及調控單元的研究,深入探討植物如何適應及克服環境高溫的不利因素,並利用遺傳工程技術希,望培育出更具耐性的農作物品種。


A. 學術期刊論文:

  1. Huang Y.C., Liu C.C., Li Y.J., Liao C.M., Vivek S., Chuo G.L., Tseng C.Y., Wu Z.Q., Shimada T., Suetsugu N., Wada M., Lee C.M.* and Jinn T.L.* (2024) Multifaceted roles of Arabidopsis heat shock factor binding protein in plant growth, development, and heat shock response. Environmental and Experimental Botany 226, 105878.
  2. Silamparasan D., Chang I.F., and Jinn T.L.* (2023). Calcium-dependent protein kinase CDPK16 phosphorylates serine-856 of glutamate receptor-like GLR3.6 protein leading to salt-responsive root growth in Arabidopsis. Frontiers in Plant Science 14: 1093472.
  3. Hu S.-H. Hu and Jinn T.-L.*(2022) Impacts of Mn, Fe, and Oxidative Stressors on MnSOD Activation by AtMTM1 and AtMTM2 in Arabidopsis. Plants, 11(5), 619
  4. Wu, H. C., Yu, S. Y., Wang, Y. D., & Jinn, T. L. (2022). Guard Cell-Specific Pectin METHYLESTERASE53 Is Required for Abscisic Acid-Mediated Stomatal Function and Heat Response in Arabidopsis. Frontiers in Plant Science, 346.
  5. Hu, S. H., Lin, S. F., Huang, Y. C., Huang, C. H., Kuo, W. Y., & Jinn, T. L.* (2021). Significance of AtMTM1 and AtMTM2 for mitochondrial MnSOD activation in Arabidopsis. Frontiers in Plant Science, 12.
  6. Wu H.C., Vignols F., Jinn T.L.* (2019) Temperature Stress and Redox Homeostasis: The Synergistic Network of Redox and Chaperone System in Response to Stress in Plants. In: Asea A., Kaur P. (eds) Heat Shock Proteins in Signaling Pathways. Heat Shock Proteins, vol 17. pp 53-90. Springer, Cham.

  7. Victor P. Bulgakov*, Hui-Chen Wu, Tsung-Luo Jinn. (2019) Coordination of ABA and Chaperone Signaling in Plant Stress Responses.Trends in Plant Science 24: 636-651.

  8. Wu H.C., Bulgakov V.P. and Jinn T.L.* (2018) Pectin methylesterases: cell wall remodeling proteins are required for plant response to heat stress. Frontiers in Plant Science 9: 1612. doi: 10.3389/ fpls.2018.01612

  9. ​Wu H.C., Huang Y.C., Stracovsky L. and Jinn T.L.* ( 2017 ) Pectin methylesterase is required for guard cell function in response to heat. Plant Signaling and Behavior 12: e1338227. DOI: 10.1080/ 15592324.2017.1338227.

  10. Wu H.C., Huang Y.C., Liu C.H. and Jinn T.L.* ( 2017 ) Using silicon polymer impression technique and scanning electron microscopy to measure stomatal aperture, morphology, and density. Bio-protocol 7: e2449. DOI: 10.21769/BioProtoc.2449.

  11. Huang Y.C., Wu H.C., Wang Y.D., Liu C.H., Lin C.C., Luo D.L. and Jinn T.L.* ( 2017 )Pectin Methylesterase34 contributes to heat tolerance through its role in promoting stomatal movement. Plant Physiology 74: 748-763.

  12. Huang Y.C., Niu C.Y., Yang C.R. and Jinn T.L.* ( 2016 ) The heat-stress factor HSFA6b connects ABA signaling and ABA-mediated heat responses. Plant Physiology 172: 1182-1199.

  13. Kuo W., Huang C., Shih C. and Jinn T.L.* ( 2013 ) Cellular extract preparation for superoxide dismutase ( SOD ) activity assay. Bio-protocol 3: e811.

  14. Xia S., Cheng Y.T., Huang S., Win J., Soards A., Jinn T.L., Jones J.D., Kamoun S., Chen S., Zhang Y. and Li X. (2013) Regulation of transcription of nucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeat-encoding genes SNC1 and RPP4 via H3K4 trimethylation. Plant Physiology 162: 1694-1705.

  15. Kuo W.Y., Huang C.H., Liu A.C., Cheng C.P., Li S.H., Chang W.C., Weiss C., Azem A. and Jinn T.L.* (2013) CHAPERONIN 20 mediates iron superoxide dismutase (FeSOD) activity independent of its co-chaperonin role in Arabidopsis chloroplasts. New Phytologist 197: 99-110.

  16. Kuo W.Y., Huang C.H. and Jinn T.L.* (2013) Chaperonin 20 might be an iron chaperone for superoxide dismutase in activating iron superoxide dismutase (FeSOD).Plant Signaling and Behavior 8: 2, e23074.

  17. Wu H.C., Luo D.L., Vignols F. and Jinn T.L.* (2012) Heat shock-induced biphasic Ca2+ signature and OsCaM1-1 nuclear localization mediate downstream signalling in acquisition of thermotolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Plant Cell and Environment 35: 1543-1557.

  18. Wu H.C. and Jinn T.L.* (2012) Oscillation regulation of Ca2+/calmodulin and heat-stress related genes in response to heat stress in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Plant Signaling and Behavior 7: 1056-1057.

  19. Huang C.H., Kuo W.Y., Weiss C, and Jinn T.L.* (2012) Copper chaperone-dependent and -independent activation of three copper-zinc superoxide dismutase homologs localized in different cellular compartments in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology 158: 737-746.

  20. Huang C.H., Kuo W.Y. and Jinn T.L.* (2012) Models for the mechanism for activating copper-zinc superoxide dismutase in the absence of the CCS Cu chaperone in Arabidopsis. Plant Signaling and Behavior 7: 429-431.

  21. Wu T.H., Liao M.H., Kuo W.Y., Huang C.H., Hsieh H.L. and Jinn T.L.* (2011)Characterization of copper/zinc and manganese superoxide dismutase in green bamboo (Bambusa oldhamii): Cloning, expression and regulation. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 49: 195-200.

  22. Wu H.C., Hsu S.F., Luo D.L., Chen S.J., Huang W.D., Lur H.S. and Jinn T.L.* (2010)Recovery of heat shock-triggered released apoplastic Ca2+ accompanied by pectin methylesterase activity is required for thermotolerance in soybean seedlings. Journal of Experimental Botany 61: 2843-2852.

  23. Wu H.C. and Jinn T.L.* (2010) Heat shock-triggered Ca2+ mobilization accompanied by pectin methylesterase activity and cytosolic Ca2+ oscillation are crucial for plant thermotolerance. Plant Signaling and Behavior 5: 1252-1256.

  24. Hsu S.F., Lai H.C. and Jinn T.L.* (2010) Cytosolic-localized heat shock factor binding protein, AtHSBP, functions as a negative regulator of heat shock response by translocation to the nucleus and is required for seed development in Arabidopsis.Plant Physiology 153: 773-784.

  25. Hsu S.F. and Jinn T.L.* (2010) AtHSBP functions in seed development and the motif is required for subcellular localization and interaction with AtHSFs. Plant Signaling and Behavior 5: 1042-1044.

  26. Cho S.K., Larue C., Chevalier D., Wang H., Jinn T.L., Zhang S. and Walker J.C. (2008) Regulation of floral organ abscission in Arabidopsis thaliana. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 105: 15629-15634 (+Equal Contribution).

  27. Chang P.F.L., Jinnt T.L., Huang W.K., Chang H.M. and Wang C.W. (2007) A cDNA clone from rice (Oryza sativa L.) encoding a class II small heat shock protein is induced by heat stress, mechanical injury, and salicylic acid. Plant Science 172: 64-75.

  28. Chu C.C., Lee W.C., Guo W.Y., Pan S.M., Chen L.J., Li H-m. and Jinn T.L.* (2005) A copper chaperone for superoxide dismutase that confers three types of CuZnSOD activity in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiology 139: 425-436.

  29. Guan J.C., Jinn T.L., Yeh C.H., Feng S.P., Chen Y.M. and Lin C.Y. (2004)Characterization of the genomic structures and selective expression profiles of nine class I small heat shock protein genes clustered on two chromosomes in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Plant Molecular Biology 56: 795-809.

  30. Jinn T.L., Chou C.C., Song W.W., Chen Y. M. and Lin C.Y. (2004) Azetidine induced accumulation of class I low-molecular-weight heat shock proteins in the soluble fraction provide thermotolerance in soybean seedlings. Plant and Cell Physiology45: 1759-1767.

  31. Jinn T.L., Stone J.M., and Walker J.C. (2000) HAESA, an Arabidopsis leucine-rich repeat receptor kinase, controls floral organ abscission. Genes and Development 14: 108-117.

  32. Jinn T.L., Chang P., Chen Y.M., Key J.L. and Lin C.Y. (1997) Tissue-type-specific heat-shock response and immunolocalization of class I low-molecular-weight heat-shock proteins in soybean. Plant Physiology 114: 429-438.

  33. Jinn T.L., Chen Y.M. and Lin C.Y. (1995) Characterization and physiological function of class I low-molecular-mass, heat-shock protein complex in soybean. Plant Physiology 108: 693-701.

  34. Lee Y.L., Chang P.F., Yeh K.W., Jinn T.L., Kung C.C., Lin W.C., Chen Y.M. and Lin C.Y. (1995) Cloning and characterization of a cDNA encoding an 18.0-kDa class-I low-molecular-weight heat-shock protein from rice. Gene 165: 223-227.

  35. Yeh K.W., Jinn T.L., Yeh C.H., Chen Y.M. and Lin C.Y. (1994) Plant low-molecular-mass heat-shock proteins: their relationships to the acquisition of thermotolerance in plants. Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry 19: 41-49.

  36. Jinn T.L., Wu S.H., Yeh C.H., Hsieh M.H., Yeh Y.C., Chen Y.M. and Lin C.Y. (1993) Immunological kinship of class I low-molecular-mass heat shock proteins and thermostabilization of soluble proteins in vitro among plants. Plant Cell Physiology34: 1055-1062.

  37. Lin C.Y., Jinn T.L., Hsieh M.H., Yeh Y.C. and Chen Y.M. (1993) Class I low molecular weight heat shock proteins in plants: immunological study and thermoprotection against heat denaturation of soluble proteins. Biochemical and Cellular Mechanism86: 140-155.

  38. Hsieh M.H., Chen J.T., Jinn T.L., Chen Y.M. and Lin C.Y. (1992) A class of soybean low molecular weight heat shock proteins: immunological study and quantitation. Plant Physiology 99: 1279-1284.

  39. Jinn T.L., Yeh Y.C., Chen Y.M. and Lin C.Y. (1989) Stabilization of soluble proteins in vitro by heat shock proteins-enriched ammonium sulfate fraction from soybean seedlings. Plant Cell Physiology 30: 463-469.

B. 國內外學術研討會論文或摘要:

  1. Wang Y.H. and Jinn T.L. (2019) RNA binding protein GRP7 and 8 are capable for cytoplasmic-destined FeSOD activation in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology, Poster Number: 1100-033.

  2. Huang Y.C. and Jinn T.L. (2017) The heat-stress factor HSFA6b connects ABA signaling and ABA-mediated heat responses. Plant Physiology, Poster Number: 183323.

  3. Jinn T.L. (2015) Pectin methylesterase34, PME34, contributing to stomata movement, is required for heat stress response in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology, Poster Number: 1000-049-Y.

  4. Liu Chin-Cheng, Jinn T.L. (2014) Interaction profile of heat shock factor binding protein, a negative regulator of heat shock response, under heat shock and recovery stages. Plant Physiology, Poster Number: P04031-B.

  5. Huang C.H., Kuo W.Y., Jinn T.L. (2013) CPN20, an CPN60 cofactor, acts as an iron chaperon for SOD independently of chaperonin-mediated protein folding activity in Arabidopsis chloroplasts. Plant Physiology, Abstract P01032.

  6. Huang C.H., Kuo W.Y., Jinn T.L. (2012) Models for the mechanism in CCS-independent activation pathway. Plant Physiology, Abstract P09033.

  7. Hsu S.F., Lai H.C., and Jinn T.L. (2011) Cytosolic-localized heat shock factor binding protein, AtHSBP, functions as a negative regulator of heat shock response by translocation to the nucleus and is required for seed development in Arabidopsis.Plant Physiology. Abstract P07069

  8. Kuo W.Y., Huang C.H., and Jinn T.L. (2010) Arabidopsis cpn20 acts as an iron chaperone for FeSOD activation in chloroplasts independently of its co-chaperonin function. Plant Physiology. Abstract P08095

  9. Huang C.H., Kuo W.Y., and Jinn T.L. (2009) Arabidopsis copper-zinc superoxide dismutase (SOD) can be activated by copper chaperone for SOD1-independent pathway via glutathione. Plant Physiology. Abstract P27016

  10. Cho S.K., Chevalier D., Lease K., Jinn T.L., and Walker J. (2007) HAESA and HAESA-like 2 activate floral organ abscission in an ethylene-independent manner. Plant Physiology. Abstract P28048

  11. Wu H.C. and Jinn T.L. (2007) A versatile calmodulin is temperature-dependent sensor. Plant Physiology. Abstract P01030

  12. Guan J.C., You J.W., Yeh C.H., Jinn T.L., and Lin C.Y. (2006) A comprehensive analysis of rice small heat shock protein gene family. Plant Physiology. Abstract P09027

  13. Wu H.C. and Jinn T.L. (2006) The mobilizes of Ca2+ from extracellular sources that induced by heat shock to regulate cell wall remodeling and signaling to confer thermotolerance in rice seedlings. Plant Physiology. Abstract P09037

  14. Hsu S.F. and Jinn T.L. (2005) Study of a serrate leaf mutant caused by cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors overexpressed in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology. Abstract 692

  15. Chang P.F.L., Huang W.G., Jinn T.L., Wang C.W., Lin P.L., and Chang H.M. (2005) The class II small heat shock gene of rice (Oryza sativa L.), Oshsp18.0-CII, is induced by heat stress, mechanical injury, and also confers tolerance to heat and UV stresses when overexpressing it in Escherichia coli. Plant Physiology. Abstract 178

  16. Chu C.C. and Jinn T.L. (2004) Copper chaperone for superoxide dismutase modulates the activity and stability of CuZnSOD in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiology. Abstract 094

  17. Chang C.C. and Jinn T.L. (2004) Study of T-DNA tagged mutants which affect inosine-uridine nucleoside hydolase gene expression in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology. Abstract 324

  18. Guan J.C., Feng S.P., Jinn T.L., and Lin C.Y. (2004) The Expression profile of rice class I sHSP gene family in response to cytotoxic agents induced HS-like response. Plant Physiology. Abstract 127

  19. Li Y.H. and Jinn T.L. (2003) A flavin monooxygenase-like overexpression mutant with narrow, down-curing and long petioles phenotypes in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol. Abstract 455

  20. Guan J.C., Feng S.P., Jinn T.L., and Lin C.Y. (2003) Expression profile of nine members of rice class I sHSP gene family. Plant Physiology. Abstract 201

  21. Guan J.C., Feng S.P., Jinn T.L., and Lin C.Y. (2003) Identification and expression analysis of class I small heat-shock protein gene family in rice (Oryza sativa cv. Tainung No.67) seedlings. Cell Biology. Abstract B508

C. 學術專書:

  1. Wu H.C., Vignols F. and Jinn T.L.* Temperature Stress and Redox Homeostasis: The Synergistic Network of Redox and Chaperone System in Response to Stress in Plants.. Heat Shock Proteins in Signaling Pathways. Heat Shock Proteins. (ISBN: 978-3-030-03952-3). Springer, Cham.. Jul, 2019: vol 17.
    pp 53-90.

  2. 基因工程與生物技術-基因選殖及DNA分析。 (Gene cloning and DNA analysis. 5th edition, T. A. Brown)  編譯者: 靳宗洛;何國傑;葉開溫;鄭石通。  藝軒圖書出版社 (2008, 400 pages)


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