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王雅筠 副教授

電話: (02) 3366-2507
專長: 植物分子遺傳學、植物生理學、植物轉運蛋白
學歷: 國立陽明大學基因體科學研究所博士 

研究室: 生命科學館1006室



了解一群膜上轉運蛋白 (Nitrate Transporter 1/Peptide Transporter Family, NPF) ,在植物遇到逆境 (生物與非生物)時,如何重新分配體內的氮源、植物賀爾蒙與二次代謝物,來維持生長或存活。
希望藉由電生理的方法了解NPF是如何對於其運送的受質 (substrate) 進行選擇。


在先前研究中發現,NPF2.9/NRT1.9表現在根部韌皮部的伴細胞中 (圖一) ,且分析NPF2.9/NRT1.9 突變株發現,較多的硝酸鹽會運送到地上部,推測是NPF2.9/ NRT1.9轉運蛋白,將木質部的硝酸鹽 (nitrate, NO3-) 轉送到韌皮部中。也的確發現在根部韌皮部汁液中硝酸鹽的含量(圖二),突變株較野生型高。因此,除了NPF7.3/NRT1.5與NPF7.2/NRT1.8之外,NPF2.9/NRT1.9也參與調控植物體內,硝酸鹽長距離的運送 (圖三) 。 近五年來,越來越多研究指出,NPF會運送的受質,不只有已知的硝酸鹽與胜?(peptides),還包括植物賀爾蒙 (生長素, auxin; 茉莉酸, jasmonate) 和二次代謝物, 硫代葡萄糖?(芥子油?, glucosinolates) 。而且NPF基因表現也會受到外界刺激影響,這些現象暗示著NPF可以在植物面對外界不同刺激時,來重新分配氮源、植物賀爾蒙與二次代謝物的分布,但是這方面的研究並不多。 因此,本研究室先分析了公開的轉錄組 (transcriptome) 資料,選出對於特定刺激反應變化很大的NPF基因,之後再用逆向遺傳學 (reverse genetic) 的方法來比較突變株與野生型的表型 (phenotypes) 差異。並配合蛙卵表現系統來測定此NPF的受質,以了解此NPF基因如何參與刺激反應,幫助植物適應或抵抗逆境。 在本研究室,可以學習到基本的分子生物實驗技巧、植物遺傳生理相關實驗技巧,還有科學期刊文章的閱讀與邏輯的思考。歡迎有興趣的人士加入! 

圖一: [A~C] Histochemical localization of GUS activity in transgenic plants. [D~G] Confocal laser scanning microscope pictures of NRT1.9pro:NRT1.9-GFP transgenic plants. Arrowheads, the position of xylem axis; arrows, companion cells; asterisk, sieve element. Ep, epidermis; Co, cortex; En, endodermis; Pe, pericycle.
圖 2: [C] Nitrate content of root phloem exudates in the wild type and nrt1.9 mutants. [D] Downward nitrate transport in the wild type and nrt1.9 mutants.
圖 3: Regulation of root-to-shoot nitrate transport.


  1. H.-Y. Kuo, F.-C. Kang, Y.-Y. Wang.* (2020) Glucosinolate Transporter1 involves in salt-induced jasmonate signaling and alleviates the repression of lateral root growth by salt in Arabidopsis. Plant Sci. 297: 110487. 

  2. C. Chan, D. Panzeri, E. Okuma, K. Tõldsepp, Y.-Y. Wang, G.Y. Louh, T.-C. Chin, Y.-H. Yeh, H.-L. Yeh, S. Yekondi, Y.-H. Huang, T.-Y. Huang, T.-J. Chiou, Y. Murata, H. Kollist, L. Zimmerli* (2020) STRESS INDUCED FACTOR 2 Regulates Arabidopsis Stomatal Immunity Through Phosphorylation of the Anion Channel SLAC1. [published online ahead of print, 2020 Apr 23]. Plant Cell. tpc.00578.2019. doi:10.1105/tpc.19.00578.

  3. Y.-Y. Wang, Y.-H. Cheng, K.-E. Chen, and Y.-F. Tsay*. (2018) Nitrate transporter, sensing and use efficiency. Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. Submitted. (Co-first author)

  4. Y. Li, J. Ouyang, Y.-Y Wang, R. Hu, K. Xia, J. Duan, Y. Wang, Y.-F. Tsay and M. Zhang (2015) Disruption of the rice nitrate transporter OsNPF2.2 hinders root-to-shoot nitrate transport and vascular development. Sci. Rep. 5: 9635-9644.

  5. Y.-Y. Wang, P.-K. Hsu and Y. -F. Tsay* (2012) Uptake, allocation and signaling of nitrate. Trends Plant Sci. 17: 458-467.

  6. Y.-Y. Wang and Y.-F. Tsay* (2011) Arabidopsis nitrate transporter NRT1.9 is important in phloem nitrate transport. Plant Cell. 23: 1945-1957.

  7. H.-C. Hu,Y.-Y. Wang and Y.-F. Tsay* (2009) AtCIPK8, a CBL-interacting protein kinase, regulates the low-affinity phase of the primary nitrate response. Plant J. 57:264-78.

  8. S. H. Lin, H. F. Kuo, G. Canivenc, C. S. Lin, M. Lepetit, P. K. Hsu, P. Tillard, H. L. Lin, Y.-Y. Wang, C.-B. Tsai and Y.-F. Tsay* (2008) Mutation of the Arabidopsis NRT1:5 nitrate transporter causes defective root-to-shoot nitrate transport. Plant Cell 20: 2514-2528.


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