E-mail: shuyiyang@ntu.edu.tw
電話: (02) 33662533
專長: 植物分子生物學、植物與微生物交互作用
學歷: 瑞士洛桑大學博士
研究室: 生命科學館1047室

叢枝菌根共生(arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis)是指植物根部與球囊菌門 (Glomeromycota) 真菌的內共生關係。超過80%的維管束植物可以與叢枝菌根菌 (arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi) 共生。在植物根部的內皮層細胞 (inner cortex cell),真菌菌絲會形成高度分支狀結構稱為叢枝菌絲 (arbuscule) ,是真菌與植物進行養分交換的主要場所。我之前的研究發現,水稻中有70%的磷吸收是由與真菌共生的途徑而來。若將水稻中兩個只在共生的根部表達的磷轉運蛋白PT11和PT13分別進行突變,突變株中的真菌生長與叢枝菌絲發育均會受到影響。然而,只有PT11負責從真菌處吸收磷,PT13的角色仍未明。
植物中有一群基因的表現和這兩個磷轉運蛋白類似,只會表達在有真菌存在的根部細胞中。他們的表現對於共生關係的建立或許扮演重要的角色。然而,這些基因的轉錄調控機制仍未被完全了解。目前已知,會被共生誘導表現的植物轉錄因子(transcription factor) 往往對於建立共生關係扮演重要角色。我們已找到在水稻和番茄中會被共生誘導表現的植物轉錄因子。這些轉錄因子的表現位置、功能及目標基因已被進一步研究,以期更了解共生形成的機制。
即使叢枝菌根共生對於提高植物抗逆境能力已被廣泛報導,背後的分子機制仍然不明。為了找出共生相關的植物抗逆境分子機制,我們已比較在正常和高鹽環境下,與真菌共生和未與真菌共生植物的水稻轉錄組 (transcriptomes)。這些分析可以幫助我們找到,與共生下抗逆境能力高度相關的基因,以進行進一步功能分析。
植物胜肽賀爾蒙 (peptide hormone) 對於系統性調控植物體內的訊息傳遞扮演重要角色。然而,其與共生機制的關聯性以及是否參與共生調控根部發育途徑仍有諸多未知。我們已找到番茄和水稻中,會因為共生處理表現受到影響的胜肽賀爾蒙,並發現菌根菌共生可能透過下調番茄C端轉譯胜肽 (CEP2) 的表現,進而減輕其對生長素途徑的抑制效果,並進一步促進側根發育。

Well-developed arbuscule inside rice cortical cells indicated by white arrowhead (A). WGA-Alexafluor 488 cell wall staining of Rhizophagus irregularis structures of wild type (B), pt11 RNAi line (C) and pt13 RNAi line (D) roots. Bars = 20 µm. Histochemical GUS staining of a proportion of a R. irregularis colonized rice root expressing empty vector (E), pPT11-GUS (F) and pPT13-GUS (G) constructs. Arrowheads represent cortical cells containing arbuscules. Bars = 20 µm.

(A-B) Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) and naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) application complemented the lateral root density and auxin distribution affected by the synthetic C-terminally encoded peptide (CEP)2 peptide. (C) Schematic summary of C-terminally encoded peptide (CEP)2 engagement in tomato lateral root formation in response to arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis.
Chien CC*, Tien SY, Yang SY, Lee CR*. 2024 Aug. The costs and benefits of symbiotic interactions: variable effects of rhizobia and arbuscular mycorrhizae on Vigna radiata accessions. BMC Plant Biology 24:780
Chien H#, Kuo TY#, Yao CH#, Su YR#, Chang YT, Guo ZL, Chang KC, Hsieh YH and Yang SY* (2024). Nuclear factors NF-YC3 and NF-YBs positively regulate arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis in tomato. Plant Physiology. 196(3): 1840-1856 (# Co-first author)
Yang SY#, Lin WY#, Hsiao YM# and Chiou TJ* (2024). Milestones in understanding transport, sensing, and signaling of the plant nutrient phosphorus. Plant Cell. 36(5):1504-1523 (# Co-first author)
Hsieh C, Chen YH, Chang KC and Yang SY* (2022). Transcriptome analysis reveals the mechanisms for mycorrhiza-enhanced salt tolerance in rice. Frontiers in Plant Science. 13:1072171
Hsieh, YH, Wei, YH, Lo, JC, Pan, HY and Yang, SY* (2022), Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis enhances tomato lateral root formation by modulating CEP2 peptide expression. New Phytologist. 235(1): 292-305
Yang SY, Lu WC, Ko SS, Sun CM, Hung JC and Chiou TJ*. (2020). Upstream open reading frame and phosphate-regulated expression of rice OsNLA1 controls phosphate transport and reproduction. Plant Physiology. 182(1): 393-407
Roth R, Chiapello M, Montero H, Gehrig P, Grossmann J, O'Holleran K, Hartken D, Walters F, Yang SY, Hillmer S, Schumacher K, Bowden S, Craze M, Wallington EJ, Miyao A, Sawers R, Martinoia E, Paszkowski U*. (2018). A rice Serine/Threonine receptor-like kinase regulates arbuscular mycorrhizal
symbiosis at the peri-arbuscular membrane. Nature Communications. 9(1):4677 -
Yang SY#, Huang TK#, Kuo HF and Chiou TJ*. (2017). Role of vacuoles in phosphorus storage and remobilization. Journal of Experimental Botany Journal of Experimental Botany. 68 (12): 3045–55 (# Co-first author)
Liu TY#, Huang TK#, Yang SY#, Hong YT, Huang SM, Wang FN, Chiang SF, Tsai SY, Lu WC and Chiou TJ* (2016) Identification of plant vacuolar transporters mediating phosphate storage. Nature Communications. 31 (7): 11095 (# Co-first author)
Gutjahr C#, Gobbato E#, Choi JM, Riemann M, Johnston MG, Summers W, Carbonnel S, Mansfield C, Yang SY, Nadal M, Acosta I, Takano M, Jiao WB, Schneeberger K, Kelly KA and Paszkowski U*(2015) Rice perception of symbiotic arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi requires the karrikin receptor complex. Science. 350 (6267): 1521-24 (# Co-first author)
Qu G, Kruszka K, Plewka P, Yang SY, Chiou TJ, Jarmolowski A, Szweykowska-Kulinska Z, Echeverria M and Karlowski WM* (2015) Promoter-based identification of novel non-coding RNAs reveals the presence of dicistronic snoRNA-miRNA genes in Arabidopsis thaliana. BMC Genomics. 16(1):1009
11. Gutjahr C, Sawers RJ, Marti G, Andrés-Hernández L, Yang SY, Casieri L, Angliker H, Oakeley EJ, Wolfender JL, Abreu-Goodger C, Paszkowski U* (2015) Transcriptome diversity among rice root types during asymbiosis and interaction with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. PNAS. 112(21):6754-59.
Yang SY, Grønlund M, Jakobsen I, Grotemeyer MS, Rentsch D, Miyao A, Hirochika H, Kumar CS, Sundaresan V, Salamin N, Catausan S, Mattes N, Heuer S, Paszkowski U* (2012) Nonredundant Regulation of Rice Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Symbiosis by Two Members of the PHOSPHATE TRANSPORTER1 Gene Family. The Plant Cell. 24(10):4236-51
Yang SY and Paszkowski U* (2011) Phosphate import at the arbuscule: just a nutrient? Mol Plant Microbe Interact. 24(11):1296-99.
Yang SY, Shih MD, Lin TP, Hsing YIC (2011) Two soybean (Glycine maxL.) GmPM proteins reduce liposome leakage during desiccation. Botanical Studies. 52 (4): 465-70
Lin YF, Liang HM, Yang SY, Boch A, Clemens S, Chen CC, Wu JF, Huang JL, Yeh KC* (2009) Arabidopsis IRT3 is a zinc-regulated and plasma membrane localized zinc/iron transporter. New Phytologist. 182(2):392-404
Sawers RJH, Yang SY, Gutjahr C, Paszkowski U* (2008) The molecular components of nutrient exchange in arbuscular mycorrhizal interactions. In: Z.A. Siddiqui et al., (eds.), Mycorrhizae: Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry, pp. 37-59 ©2008 Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.
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